Satan Asked a Question of Knowledge, Telling Them They Would Be Like God, Forgetting They Were Created in His Image (Adam and Eve)
Satan is not as foolish as some may think. Rather, he is knowledgeable in various aspects of life, but in this story, we will focus on religion. Satan is an expert in asking critical questions related to religion, aiming to criticize (Criticism) the principles and laws of the Creator, to weaken the faith of believers through inquiry, often analyzing scriptures using human knowledge instead of spiritual understanding (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21).
Let’s remind ourselves of this: Satan is highly knowledgeable about God (religious knowledge) because he was once a part of the Cherubim that guarded God’s holiness (Ezekiel 28:15). Thus, it is understandable that someone who was close to God’s holiness would know a lot about Him, though knowing much about God didn’t benefit him because he didn’t align his knowledge with his life. Therefore, there’s no doubt that Satan deceives many with his knowledge of the holy scriptures he knows, “where he fell is where we are heading.”
The serpent was more cunning than any other wild animal that the Lord God had made. It asked the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” The serpent said to the woman, “You will not certainly die, for God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:1, 4-5). Satan asked Eve a question about the knowledge of the holy scriptures, whether God had truly forbidden them from eating from the tree. This led Eve to also question whether what God said was indeed true. In the same way, the 21st century could be called the era of human wisdom, where people are building something like the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9).
In this century, it seems that Satan has distracted people from what gives life (John 10:10), and they are instead engaged in debates on knowledge-related questions that cannot reveal God to them, as often these questions are asked not to seek truth, but to criticize (Criticism).
Examples include: What was the fruit Adam and Eve ate? Where did Cain’s wife come from? Why didn’t Jesus choose women as disciples? In truth, there’s nothing wrong with asking such questions, but if you’re asking without the intent to find salvation, you will end up like Eve, who was left questioning (challenged) whether what God had told her was true, which eventually brought her suffering and even death (this came because she was asked a question of knowledge).
Eve continued the conversation with the serpent, thinking it was just an ordinary animal, not realizing she was speaking with the spirit of Satan that had manifested in the form of a snake. Similarly, Satan continues to disguise himself in the forms of things we love, intending to lead believers astray. The Bible calls him the deceiver (2 Corinthians 11:3). Satan told Eve that by eating from the tree, they would become like God, yet God had already created them in His image (Genesis 1:26), which meant they already had God’s holiness within them. However, their curiosity and desire for more than what God had given them made them forget and fall into sin.
This is also how the lives of some believers are. Satan has stirred up curiosity in them, causing them to strive to leave the image of God to seek something resembling it—like wealth, honor, beauty, and luxurious houses, things that seem like being like God—forgetting that God had already told them that these things would be added unto them (Matthew 6:33), but instead, they now seek wealth and make God an addition (they have reversed the order).
As we conclude this letter, dear brethren, I write to you so that you may read the Holy Scriptures with the purpose of finding what gives you life and reveals Jesus (salvation), rather than reading to ask and answer knowledge-based questions that won’t give you life but will only bring more questions (Mind-Challenging Questions). And remember, any voice telling you that if you do a certain thing, you will become like God, is leading you to destruction, for we were made like Him when we believed.
Therefore, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32).