It might be the first time you’ve heard of a man who gave birth to a child through surgery. Naturally, it’s understandable that a man cannot give birth without first being pregnant. The truth of the Holy Scriptures is that God created man in such a way that he cannot become pregnant or breastfeed the child he fathers because he lacks the necessary body parts for pregnancy or breastfeeding. Specifically, he lacks a uterus, breasts for nursing, and female genitalia, as a man was created to give (sender), and a woman was created to receive (receiver).
So, if a man was created in such a way that he cannot give birth, how did he father a child through surgery?
I do not want this story to cause confusion, because God is not a God of confusion but of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33). Instead, I hope that we can gain from this what I have received from the Lord God, and that this will not be a mere curiosity but a channel for understanding God’s will.
The Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep, and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man. (Genesis 2:21-22).
I will use medical language to help us understand this story better. You may have read this story of the creation of Eve, but let’s put it under a microscope to understand it more deeply. God put Adam into a deep sleep; in other words, He administered anesthesia to him. Then, the Bible tells us that He took one of Adam’s ribs and made a woman from it. In other words, after putting him under anesthesia, He performed surgery on him and created Eve. After this, I wouldn’t hesitate to say that God is both a great Creator and an excellent surgeon, and indeed Adam fathered a child through surgery.
What lesson does the fact that Eve came from Adam teach the family?
In this century, there are conflicts and debates regarding gender equality, complementarity, and the hierarchy between men and women. Some have founded organizations that support the notion that women do not need men to live (Feminism), as well as other movements that promote the advancement of women.
The man is the head of his wife (Ephesians 5:23) and was created with honor. The woman is the helper of the man (Genesis 2:18), but the fact that man was created with honor does not give him the right to use that honor to oppress the woman; rather, he should use it to elevate his wife. That is why some marriages fail due to a lack of understanding of this principle of loving and honoring the wife as Christ loves the church and uses His honor to elevate it, not to trample it.
What did the fact that Eve came from Adam symbolize?
The fact that Eve came from Adam not only teaches a lesson for the family (morals) but also symbolizes something for the Church. Adam, the man, symbolized Christ (Ephesians 5:23), and Eve, the woman, symbolized the Church (2 Corinthians 11:2). The fact that Eve came from Adam’s rib symbolized that the Church (the Bride) would come from the side of Jesus (the Bridegroom). The Church was to be born from the blood that flowed from Jesus’ side through faith because He redeemed us with His blood so that we could be forgiven of our sins (Colossians 1:14).
- God is a Creator and a surgeon (both a surgeon and an anesthetist);
- The woman came from the man as a sign that she should submit to him, and the man should use that honor to give honor to his wife;
- Adam, the man, symbolized Jesus Christ, while Eve, the woman, symbolized the Church;
- The fact that Eve came from Adam’s rib symbolized that the Church would come from those who believe in the blood that would flow from Jesus’ side.