The Unanswered Prayers of Jesus, The Meaning of the Assembly of the Bones.
We are at Bethany House Pub., a publishing house. On January 1, 2003, a man named Evans Mike published a 174-page book titled The Unanswered Prayers of Jesus Christ.
At first glance, the title The Unanswered Prayers of Jesus Christ might spark your curiosity about its contents, but let’s set aside the emotions stirred by such intrigue and focus instead on what God wants us to learn through this book.
In the book, Evans Mike refers to the words of Jesus, where He said: “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word, that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me and I in You” (John 17:20, 22B).
Evans writes that some of Jesus’ prayers have yet to be answered, including the one in John 17. Rather than becoming one as Jesus prayed, believers have instead created more divisions.
Now, let’s delve further into the message of Evans Mike.
As we saw in the first part of this article, we gained an understanding of Ezekiel 37 and the three types of bones. Today, we will explore the meaning of the bones forming into an army and how it connects to Evans Mike’s book.
The Meaning of the Bones Forming an Army
To gain a deeper understanding of God’s will in this passage, I will use the Amplified Bible version:
“So I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they came to life and stood up on their feet, an exceedingly great army” (Ezekiel 37:10).
From the Amplified Bible, we see that the assembly of bones forms “a vast army of soldiers.” This symbolizes that once the bones received breath—representing faith and life—they were intended to be a united army, working together with a shared purpose.
Let’s remember that soldiers in any nation have a common mission: to protect and defend their country. In the same way, believers who are brought to life by the Spirit should be united in purpose.
The Issue God Has with Believers (The Church)
As Evans Mike writes, the prayer of Jesus for believers to be united has not been fully answered. Today, we see believers who may wear the same “uniform” but have different hearts and goals. They may sing the same songs, but their minds are divided. It could even be said that some believers are like soldiers fighting against each other rather than standing together for the cause of Christ. As Jeremiah said, “Their tongue is a deadly arrow; it speaks deceitfully. With their mouths they all speak cordially to their neighbors, but in their hearts they set traps for them” (Jeremiah 9:8).
Evans Mike concludes by urging Christians to recognize their role in fulfilling what Jesus prayed for. Pursue peace with everyone and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit (Philippians 2:3A), and make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).