In the first part of this story, we saw that God rested, but man refused to accept the rest from sin, which is found in Jesus Christ. He even refused to let his body rest from what he created in order to control it, ultimately creating things that would lead to his destruction.
Now, tell me, where is the wisdom of this age?
If people have rebelled against God, with many even desiring to kill Him (Matthew 27:22)—though such thoughts are impossible—I believe that what we create will have the potential to destroy us because we are not like God. He is Spirit, but He made us as beings of flesh, meaning that to fight against Him, we would need to battle in the Spirit.
We make things that go into the water without being damaged, but if we drown, we die, while those things survive and are found after many years. We make things that go into the air, where there is no breath, yet they survive, but we cannot live without breath. This means we are preparing things that will ultimately destroy us because, even if breath ceases on earth, these creations can continue to exist, while we cannot. I say this to show our weaknesses so you can see that our Redeemer will always be our Creator through His mercy because, from the beginning, His delight has been to dwell with humanity.
Allow me to briefly reflect on how our Redeemer, Jesus, will save those in this age. I believe He will send those who believe in Him—those He has taught—just as He taught His disciples. He will remove from them the destructive nature and grant them wisdom to work wisely beyond others. They will use all things created by man (like Bots) to restore order to the world, spreading the Gospel to those still living. God initiated this long ago, as we see many people being saved through the internet. In short, they were evangelized by something called a Computer, in which a person sent by God placed the saving message, and it reached people where the messenger could not physically go.
From what I’ve written above, I think it’s easy to imagine a world full of devices—what many call robots—operating on their own and performing all the tasks humans once did. Humans will be left as if they are in a state of rest, just as God rested. However, it won’t be true rest because our real rest comes from our Creator. Our task, then, is to use all these things that will be made or that we will make, using them wisely as children of Light to spread the one message of Jesus Christ, for it alone contains the power to save!